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Dua for making someone agree and obey

In life, there are situations where we may need someone to agree and obey our requests. Whether it’s in personal relationships, professional settings, or any other aspect of life, it can be challenging to get others on board with our ideas. This is where the power of Dua for making someone agree and obey, or supplication, comes into play. But By seeking guidance from a higher power and using specific prayers, we can increase the likelihood of making someone agree and obey. In this article, we will explore powerful dua for this purpose and how to effectively use them.

Do you find it challenging to make someone agree with you or follow your instructions? But We often encounter situations where we need to persuade others to see our perspective or heed our advice. In these moments, a powerful tool in our arsenal is the practice of dua. By seeking divine intervention through prayer, we can unlock the ability to influence others and make them agree and obey. In this article, we will explore the art of dua for making someone agree and obey, providing you with the guidance and insights needed to navigate such situations effectively.

The Power of Dua for making someone agree and obey

Dua, or supplication, is a deeply rooted practice in various faiths. It is an act of reaching out to a higher power and seeking assistance, guidance, or intervention in our lives. Through focused prayer, believers can establish a direct connection with the divine and harness its infinite wisdom and power. When it comes to influencing the thoughts and actions of others, dua can be a potent method. But By offering sincere and heartfelt prayers, we can inspire changes in the hearts and minds of those we seek to persuade.

Dua for making someone agree and obey

  1. To start the dua you have to take a bath.
  2. First of all, Recite Ayatul Kursi three times.
  3. Secondly , Then read Surah al Wadr (chapter 97) three times.
  4. After that again recite Ayatul Kursi three times.
  5. In the end, Pray to Allah SWT to make that person do what you want.
Dua for making someone agree and obey
Dua for making someone agree and obey

The Dua for Making Someone Agree and Obey:

Now, let us explore a powerful dua specifically tailored for making someone agree and obey. But This dua involves invoking divine intervention and seeking guidance to soften the hearts and minds of those we wish to influence. Recite the following dua with utmost sincerity and devotion:


“O Allah, soften the hearts and minds of [Person’s Name] and make them agree and obey my righteous suggestions. Grant me the ability to present my arguments or requests in the most convincing and compelling manner. But Guide them towards righteousness and open their eyes to the wisdom and benefits of following my counsel. Amen.”

Consult us :-

If you feel any kind of difficulty or problem in understanding the procedure or difficulty in performing Dua  . So, you can feel free to contact us anytime we are 24*7 available to hear your problems . The Islamic scholar and the specialist Molana ji is always here to hear you and provides you with the best solutions . You can Directly contact him on What’s app and ask about the solution for your problems . He will provide you the most effective and best solution with the complete guidance of Quran and all these are halal way with the guidance of Allah.

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